June Flourish Pause

June Flourish Pause

Welcome to the June Pause Friday Flourish evening retreat, held at Halton Village Hall.

In our 1 hour 45 minutes together, we have a beautiful blend of movement and relaxation.

Everyone goes home with a Yoga With Alice D cotton bag, affirmation notebook and pen (which you might use as part of the writing meditation).

The cost of the evening is £15 per person.

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May Flourish Blossoming

May Flourish Blossoming

Welcome to the May Blossoming Friday Flourish evening retreat, held at Halton Village Hall.

In our 1 hour 45 minutes together, we have a beautiful blend of movement and relaxation.

We will begin by lying down on our mats and finding a connection to the concepts of blossoming, the verb - a word that describes a process. Tonight is not about the end result, the optimal moment when the flower is at its peak, but rather it is time to stop and smell the roses. The gradual shift from spring to summer is a time of blossoming and unfolding. It is the height of the growing season, a fertile time, when whatever you unite your energy with will expand and grow. We merge into a blossoming rose meditation, followed by a flower sense practice (please note a real flower will be presented on your mats if you suffer from hayfever or allergies).

We initiate movement in the body with a sense of opening and flowering through expansive poses, connecting with nature’s sensual creative dance and tuning in with the flowering of sexuality by concluding our warm up with a pelvic floor exercise.

We will move into a seated or writing meditation (whichever you would prefer) with our Blossoming Spring to Summer Meditation questions.

Our physical practice is based around this move from spring to summer; it will help you cultivate an open, expansive attitude. It will enhance your ability to embrace and dance with life. And encourage you to blossom to your full potential.

Finally we end the evening with a 15 minute guided relaxation in which we pause to tend to our inner garden and muse on the influences of the month of May.

Everyone goes home with a Yoga With Alice D cotton bag, affirmation notebook and pen (which you might use as part of the writing meditation).

The cost of the evening is £15 per person.

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April Flourish Growth

April Flourish Growth

Welcome to the April Growth Friday Flourish evening retreat, held at Halton Village Hall.

In our 1 hour 45 minutes together, we have a beautiful blend of movement and relaxation.

We will begin by lying down on our mats and escaping straight into a beautiful forest setting through visualisation; relaxing and calming the mind, and starting our connection with nature and the growing season as we introduce the theme of the evening retreat, GROWTH.

We initiate movement in the body with a focus on grounding; you need to root yourself down into the ground in order to grow. We will complete a breathing practice; take some longer, slower holds of standing postures; open your chest, shoulders and lungs; and play with balancing poses (no expectations - it is fine to fall).

We will move into a sitting or writing meditation (whichever you would prefer) with our Spring Growth Meditation questions.

Our physical practice is a Spring Flow. This is a time of vision for a whole new cycle, an opportunity to make new plans, decisions and determine our direction and take action. Spring is associated with the wood element as it is a time when the sap is rising in the trees just as we have energy rising within us. If this energy gets stuck then we can feel depressed and unable to move forward. Wood is also associated with the liver and gallbladder; the liver having vision to be a strategic planner and the gallbladder being the one to allow us to make appropriate action and chart the proper course of action. This flow will stimulate these meridians using a combination of side bending, twists (like wringing yourself out), squats and deep lunges concentrating on foundations and rooting, stability and strength. Using cleansing postures, we will move the body out of stagnation to focus and challenge yourself within the posture; soft but strong.

Finally we end the evening with a 15 minute guided relaxation as we return to nature by travelling through a healing waterfall and reflecting on the energies of April’s influences in the seasonal year.

Everyone goes home with a Yoga With Alice D cotton bag, affirmation notebook and pen (which you might use as part of the writing meditation).

The cost of the evening is £15 per person.

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March Flourish Balance

March Flourish Balance

Welcome to the Balance March Friday Flourish evening retreat, held at Halton Village Hall.

In our 1 hour 45 minutes together, we have a beautiful blend of movement and relaxation.

We will begin by lying down on our mats with a complete body scan, and introduce the themes of the SPRING EQUINOX by exploring balance; activity and rest; effort and relaxation; returning to a neutral state; equilibrium; and realignment. We will match this energy in our movement by warming the body up with the juxtaposition of moon and sun salutations , restorative forward folds, and grounding chair pose.

We will move into a sitting or writing meditation (whichever you would prefer) with our Spring Equinox Meditation questions.

Our physical practice is inspired by the perfect balance of night and day at the Spring Equinox. We have calming postures to counter the restless agitation brought on by the growing season. We have stabilizing poses to stay grounded as the energy of the year revs up. We have balancing poses. We have postures that represent the awakening after the winter sleep as we are poised for action as if at the start of a race. The practice has a focus on stretching, activating mainly the lower back and glutes, and the three lower chakras.

Finally we end the evening with a 15 minute guided relaxation as we step into serenity and delve further into rebirth and renewal.

Everyone goes home with a Yoga With Alice D cotton bag, affirmation notebook and pen (which you might use as part of the writing meditation).

The cost of the evening is £15 per person.

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February Flourish Awakening

February Flourish Awakening

Welcome to the Awakening February Friday Flourish evening retreat, held at Halton Village Hall.

In our 1 hour 45 minutes together, we will be Shaking Off Winter and Waking Up To Spring with a beautiful blend of movement and relaxation.

We will begin by lying down on our mats with a complete body scan, and set into motion the concepts of AWAKENING that will remain our focus throughout the evening. We will shake off winter lethargy and hibernation through gentle movement combined with breath work and moon salutations. We will move into a sitting or writing meditation (whichever you would prefer) with our Winter to Spring Meditation questions. Inspired by the heralding arrival of Spring and the end of Winter feeling, our physical practice is about OPENING and CLOSING. Finally we end the evening with a 15 minute guided relaxation on encouragement and reconnecting to life.

Everyone goes home with a Yoga With Alice D cotton bag, affirmation notebook and pen (which you might use as part of the writing meditation).

The cost of the evening is £15 per person.

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November Friday Flourish A gift to yourself

November Friday Flourish A gift to yourself

Welcome to the November Friday Flourish evening retreat on A gift to yourself, held at Halton Village Hall.

In our 90 mins together, we will give a gift to ourselves: we are going on a personal journey. What do you need or want to focus on tonight - you decide. We will begin with a self-esteem relaxation; then explore how we can celebrate today with small acts of self-care and life’s little luxuries through meditation or by journaling (in the kit provided). We will practice the humming breath. We decide our own mantra for the evening, allowing you to finish it off, “I am…”.

Our physical practice mainly opens the hips, works the knees, and lower back. Our time will predominantly be split between standing and kneeling positions, with an overall focus on stretching, forward bends and balance. Finally we will finish with a guest of honour relaxation.

Everyone goes home with a goodie bag which includes a notebook, pen, cotton bag and Pixie Dust Scentology healing crystal infused soy intention candle, RRP £9.95.

The cost of the evening is £22 each and is limited to 10 attendees.

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October Friday Flourish Joy

October Friday Flourish Joy

Welcome to the October Friday Flourish evening retreat on Joy, held at Halton Village Hall.

Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are.

In our 90 mins together, we will explore joy: how to celebrate the small things; enjoying the journey; choosing joy; following your bliss; and pursuing passion. We will begin with a guided meditation calling in more joy; practice the breath of joy; and then spend time exploring activities we find joyful through meditation or by journaling (in the kit provided) ideas with many examples to draw upon. Our mantra for the evening will be “I follow my bliss.”

Our physical practice mainly opens the hips, works the knees, and lower back. Our time will predominantly be split between standing and kneeling positions, with an overall focus on stretching and forward bends. Finally we will finish with a finding hope relaxation.

Everyone goes home with a goodie bag which includes a notebook, pen, cotton bag and Neal’s Yard Remedies Night Time Remedies to Roll, RRP £10.

The cost of the evening is £22 each and is limited to 10 attendees.

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September Friday Flourish Lunar Cycles

September Friday Flourish Lunar Cycles

Welcome to the September Friday Flourish evening retreat on Lunar Cycles, held at Halton Village Hall.

The moon controls the tides on earth and we are made of around 75% water; it is to be expected that we are going to feel changes in our body, thoughts and emotions around changes in the lunar cycle.

In our 90 mins together, we will explore the lunar cycles during the month, considering how, for hundreds of years in tradition and folklore, each moon phase is seen as the time for performing certain activities. We will dive deeper into the current new moon, as I guide you into beautiful new moon extended opening relaxation. We will then explore steps to new moon wishing either through meditation or by journaling (in the kit provided) your top five wishes and/or intentions for the coming month. Our mantra for the evening will be “I am attuned to the lunar cycle”.

Our physical practice mainly opens the hips, works the knees, lower back, and glutes. Our time will predominantly be split between standing, sitting, kneeling and on our backs, with an overall focus on stretching and forward bends. Finally we will finish with a Luna cycle relaxation.

Everyone goes home with a goodie bag which includes a notebook, pen, cotton bag and Yasmin Boland’s beautiful book ‘Moonology: working with the magic of lunar cycles’.

The cost of the evening is £22 each and is limited to 10 attendees.

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July Friday Flourish Surrender

July Friday Flourish Surrender

Welcome to the July Friday Flourish evening retreat on Surrender, held at Halton Village Hall.

Your life is filled with too much busyness, too much hurry, too much stress. Just for a moment, just for an evening, let go of all that. There are too many machines vying for your attention with rings, beeps, blinks, flags and badges. Just for a moment, just for an evening, turn them all off and put them away.

In our 90 mins together, I will invite you to let go of the mental and emotional baggage you have shown up with, and guide you into a beautiful surrendering extended opening relaxation. We will then explore what it means to surrender, before tuning into our five senses individually. Either journaling (in the kit provided) or in your mind, we look at your current energy levels and immediate focus. Our mantra for the evening will be “I let go to what is”.

Our physical practice works mainly the lower back, but also the hips, knees, neck and glutes. Our time will predominantly be split between standing, sitting and on our backs, with an overall focus on stretching. Finally we will finish with a beautiful healing waterfall guided relaxation.

Everyone goes home with a goodie bag which includes a notebook, pen, cotton bag and handmade lavender eye mask.

The cost of the evening is £22 each and is limited to 10 attendees.

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June Friday Flourish Heart Opening

June Friday Flourish Heart Opening

Welcome to the June Friday Flourish evening retreat on Heart Opening, held at Halton Village Hall.

During these evening retreats, we explore the theme through a combination of relaxations, breath work, exploratory questions considered in your mind, or through journaling in the kit provided. We also have a mantra for the evening.

We then enjoy a physical yoga practice together, and of course end with a beautiful relaxation.

Everyone goes home with a premium goodie bag.

The cost of the evening is £22.

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May Friday Flourish Mental Clarity

May Friday Flourish Mental Clarity

Welcome to the May Friday Flourish evening retreat on Mental Clarity, held at Halton Village Hall.

In our 90 mins together, we will start with an exploration of the practicalities of mental clarity; moving onto a calm, clarity and confidence meditation. I will then give you the choice to either sit with yourself, welcoming in your thoughts or journaling in the kit provided; or, have a go at 5 simple brain games in your own time (these aren’t scary; only you will know how you got on). Our mantra for the evening will be ‘I Clear The Lens’.

Our physical practice works mainly the lower back, hamstrings, hip flexors and glutes. There is a real mix of standing, seated and prone postures. We will spend most of our time stretching the body, but also look at balance, strengthening and forward bends.

Finally we will finish with a beautiful guided relaxation on clarity.

Everyone goes home with a goodie bag, which includes a notebook, pen, cotton bag and beautiful art print.

The cost of the evening is £22 each and is limited to 10 attendees.

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April Friday Flourish Empowerment

April Friday Flourish Empowerment

Welcome to the April Friday Flourish evening retreat on Empowerment, held at Halton Village Hall.

We will start with an exploration of what empowerment means; moving onto a self-esteem meditation. We will then do a short loving yourself ritual; transitioning to exploratory questions on empowerment, which you can either explore in your mind, or journal in the kit provided. Our mantra for the evening will be ‘I choose the direction of my growth'.

Our physical practice works all the muscle groups, with a focus on standing postures. We will spend most of our time stretching the body, but also look at balance, strengthening and forward bends.

Finally we will finish with a beautiful guided relaxation on inner peace.

Everyone goes home with a goodie bag, which includes a notebook, pen, cotton bag and Dr Rangan Chatterjee's book 'Happy Mind, Happy Life' RRP £16.

The cost of the evening is £22.

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