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March Flourish Balance

Friday Flourish evening retreat: Balance

What are these?

These are stand alone classes/events based around seasonal yoga themes. 

With the unrelenting demands placed upon us in daily modern life, I hope to offer you a respite by connecting with our own and the earth's natural rhythms. The evenings are designed to keep you fit, flexible, calm and energized all year round. It's about connecting with the season you are in, and reflecting on how you wish to use your energy and set your intentions for the coming season.

I appreciate you might not want a regular class on a Friday evening so these are roughly once a month and are designed to give you time to flourish - physically, emotionally, spiritually.
Maybe you can’t commit to a weekly class but would like to come to a one-off; maybe you want to come with your friend; your mum; your sister; your daughter.

Maybe the last time you saw me was at a pregnancy or postnatal class but you would like to occasionally dip into an evening just for you.
Maybe you are intrigued about my style of teaching and this is a good way to see if my weekly classes will be a good fit.

Maybe you already come to my women’s classes and want more.

These are just for women (my specialism).

Please don't worry about your level of experience; your age; fitness; flexibility; or any other self-imposed doubts which might be creeping in. Everyone is welcome with open arms, and if you are a seasoned yogi, there are lots for you too.

Just 1 hour and 45 mins of time for yourself 20.30-22.15 at Halton Village Hall.

Old School Close
Halton Village
HP22 5NG.

Our remaining schedule for the year is:

22 Mar - Balance (Spring Equinox)

26 Apr - Growth (Spring)

17 May - Blossom (Spring Turns to Summer)

21 Jun - Pause (Summer Solstice)

19 Jul - Warmth (Summer)

No Friday Flourish in August

20 Sep - Abundance (Autumn Equinox)

18 Oct - Letting Go (Autumn)

22 Nov - Light (Autumn Turns to Winter)

No Friday Flourish in December

The March Friday Flourish: Balance
The Spring Equinox

In our 1 hour 45 minutes together, we have a beautiful blend of movement and relaxation. 

We will begin by lying down on our mats with a complete body scan, and introduce the themes of the SPRING EQUINOX by exploring balance; activity and rest; effort and relaxation; returning to a neutral state; equilibrium; and realignment. We will match this energy in our movement by warming the body up with the juxtaposition of moon and sun salutations , restorative forward folds, and grounding chair pose.

We will move into a sitting or writing meditation (whichever you would prefer) with our Spring Equinox Meditation questions.

Our physical practice is inspired by the perfect balance of night and day at the Spring Equinox. We have calming postures to counter the restless agitation brought on by the growing season. We have stabilizing poses to stay grounded as the energy of the year revs up. We have balancing poses. We have postures that represent the awakening after the winter sleep as we are poised for action as if at the start of a race. The practice has a focus on stretching, activating mainly the lower back and glutes, and the three lower chakras. 

Finally we end the evening with a 15 minute guided relaxation as we step into serenity and delve further into rebirth and renewal.
Everyone goes home with a Yoga With Alice D cotton bag, affirmation notebook and pen (which you might use as part of the writing meditation).
The cost of the evening is £15 per person.

How do I book a space?

Please complete the booking form, where payment will also be made:

Schedule Appointment with Yoga With Alice D (

You can also book another month's Flourish at this time.

What do I need to bring?

I will provide all yoga equipment (mats, blankets, pillows, straps and eye masks) to use at your discretion. It is your choice if you would like to bring your own mat in addition to place on top.

I would advise that you bring a bottle of water and wear some loose comfortable clothes for your yoga practice, including layers so you can easily adjust depending on whether you are lying still in relaxation or being more physical.

February 23

February Flourish Awakening

April 26

April Flourish Growth