Book a Class

All bookings for our classes and events can be made through our booking system.

You will be asked to select your start date, add personal details which largely consists of a health questionnaire, and make payment at the time of booking. I appreciate that the questions are quite detailed; please answer as much as you are comfortable in doing so. These questions are designed for your safety and to ensure you get the most out of the classes. If you are rebooking, feel free to add less detail unless circumstances have changed. These details will not be shared.

If you have any problems paying upfront, please get in touch so we can work around this for you.

To complete the form for blocks, please select your chosen block size. Select the first date and time you wish to start, then ‘select and make recurring’ to add your number of weeks. If the class is full, or there is no class a certain week, the date will show as unavailable. In this case, please add appointments until you have the number of dates to match your chosen block size. This system also allows you to remove dates you can’t make because of your own commitments.

If you are having any problems, or wish to rebook at a different block size to that recommended, please get in touch on

What the booking system looks like…